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Affordable Above Ground Pool Deck, Burbank

Hang New Drywall With Burbank Contractors

Professional drywall repair & installation services for home, business, and other.

Affordable Above Ground Pool Deck, Burbank




John November

Service Request:

Mr. November wanted us to add a raised deck to the above-ground pool at his home.

Our Solution:

The first thing our team of contractors had to do was clean and clear the area around where the pool sat. Before beginning the project, the contractors took all the necessary measurements to ensure the new pool deck would fit perfectly around the structures Mr. November already had set up at his home. The deck had to be stabilized with concrete pads before the team could continue the job of setting up the supports and underlay of the new deck. The next step was to create a custom deck railing and some top-caliber deck boards. The design was then complete. With an impressive above-ground pool deck, Mr. November had a beautiful new centerpiece in his backyard.

Contact Drywall Repair Burbank CA | 818-812-3167 | Call Now !!!

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Mar 14, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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